Rehabilitation and MDT Consultation

Our reputation is well established and continuing to grow for providing timely and effective rehabilitation for people suffering from an acquired brain injury.

An acquired brain injury can lead to very significant, life-long and enduring difficulties in forming plans, putting them into action, reacting to feedback and maintaining responses.

Alongside these issues, sufferers often report problems with memory, attention, insight and regulating their emotions. This pernicious mix can then lead onto a series of losses: career, relationships, leisure activities and many more.

We pride ourselves in working with sufferers themselves, their families and friends and any surrounding professional care network to develop robust, well-founded and flexible programmes of rehabilitation. We aim to help sufferers, their families and carers understand their difficulties, develop appropriate strategies and to reach their maximum potential.

We recognise that many cases are extremely complex, demand a team of carers and professionals and can be challenging to work within. We can help teams manage the stresses of complex case working and develop innovative solutions that bring those teams together to work effectively.

All our work is delivered in a timely and approachable fashion and all those involved in the care of the sufferer and instructing our work will receive clear rehabilitation goal plans tied to demonstrable goals to gauge progress.

For an informal discussion about your rehabilitation and MDT consultation needs, please contact Helen or Gavin.